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Deposit Account Interest Rates

IMPORTANT: Rates listed below are current as of March 21, 2025 and may change without notice. For up-to-the-minute rates, please call 918-495-1700.



CD SPECIALS—Consumer/Commercial Certificates of Deposit3, 4, A, E

(Available for IRAs—Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal)

Product Minimum to Open/Maintain Rate APY 1
3 Month Special  $1,000 3.93% 4.00%
6 Month Special  3.78% 3.85%
12 Month Special 3.44% 3.50%
24 Month Special 2.72% 2.75%

Consumer/Commercial Certificates of Deposit3, 4, A

(Available for IRAs—Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal)

Product Minimum to Open/Maintain Rate APY 1
3 Month CD $1,000

1.49% 1.50%
6 Month CD 1.74% 1.75%
12 Month CD $1,000

1.98% 2.00%
18 Month CD 2.23% 2.25%
24 Month CD $1,000

2.47% 2.50%
36 Month CD 2.72% 2.75%
48 Month CD $1,000

2.62% 2.65%
60 Month CD 2.96% 3.00%


Consumer Interest-Bearing Checking Accounts5, B

Product Minimum to Open Interest Tiers Rate APY 1
Rewards Checking $100 Up to $25,000 2 2.62% 2.65%
Above $25,000 2 0.12% 0.12%
Non-qualifying balances 0.00% 0.00%
Interest Plus Checking 4 $100 All balances 0.02% 0.02%


Commercial Interest-Bearing Checking Accounts5, B

Product Minimum to Open Interest Tiers Rate APY 1
Not-for-Profit 4 $100 $1,500 or greater 0.02% 0.02%

Consumer/Business Savings Accounts 5

Product Minimum to Open Interest Tiers Rate APY 1
Savings 4 A $100 All balances 0.20% 0.20%
Platinum Savings 4 A $100 All balances 2.97% 3.00%
Money Market 4 B C $1,000 $1,000 to $9,999.99 0.50% 0.50%
$10,000 to $49,999.99 0.75% 0.75%
$50,000 to $99,999.99 1.00% 1.00%
$100,000 or greater 1.24% 1.25%



  • 1 - APY = Annual Percentage Yield
  • 2 - Must meet minimum monthly qualifications to earn premium rate
  • 3 - A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal
  • 4 - Account fees may reduce earnings
  • 5 - Interest rate and APY may change after account opening
  • 6 - Product available to Consumer ONLY
  • 7 - Product available to Business ONLY
  • 8 - Product available to Consumer and Business
  • A - Daily Balance - interest is paid on the amount of principle in the account each day
  • B - Daily Collected Balance - The amount of the collected balance in the account each day
  • C - APY is paid on balances of $1,000 or greater
  • D - Indexed to Wall Street Journal Prime rates minus 3%
  • E - Upon maturity, CD Specials will auto-renew into a standard CD for the same term at the rate offered at time of renewal